Sunday, 29 September 2013

Friday, 27 September 2013

Poised for action!

For those of you who might have been disappointed that Poise wasn't able to make her debut on Wednesday after all, I have good news. The men from the doo-flob have been out and mended her diddle-dwot and now her internet is all working again. Yay!

She will make her debut next Wednesday (2nd October) at 1pm slt. Don't miss it (and that applies to all DJ and guests lol).


In other news... Wraith played a mammoth four hours last night, until the last dancer dropped to the dusty floor and died. (The last dancer was me, although Brook was a close second). Texan girls do it hard 'til the end - or something like that :)

Toooooonight - nothing! I'm hoping for some fun over at the Bannister, but we'll see what slife brings.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

New DJs!

Yes, two more people are mad enough to enter the insensible family at AAi.

Tonight, the one and only Poise Collins makes her debut at AAi. Poise says she 'misses playing an indie set' and so it'll be a real treat to hear her each Wednesday. 1-3pm slt.

Graz (who has played Wednesdays for years now) has his rl band rehearsals on Wednesdays, and what with that and his BSC wax, his mani-pedi and signing fan mail, has had to give up his regular set. Fear not Furyists... he'll play impromptus when he can.

Saturday nights will (from this Saturday onwards) be the domain of Ricco Monday. Ricco is well used to the club and the insanity so I'm sure he'll fit right in with his indie set. 1-3pm. Monday on a Saturday - more fun that it at first sounds I'm sure :)

I'm so excited I might wee a little.

Monday, 16 September 2013

A night UNDERCOVER with DJ Chris

Chris aka NathanaelWest is a name you might remember from such sets as "Aww Yeah" (the funky set) a few weeks ago at AAi.

Last Friday he did "Undercover" which was a set of covers which were by people that didn't sound like the people they are, or something. Whatever the criteria for the music, it was fabulous and included such gems as the amazingly talented Ben Folds covering Dr Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit"

Of course, being an undercover set, Chris and the rest of us decided to be suitably incognito and I took some snaps...

The Wolf (Heavenly Villa) and Thom looking completely normal "face off"

Chris is a tree, nothing to see here

Del Ectonite brought nachos, chilli tits and twerking along - god help us

Futuristic time-travelling super spy and not Meri at all

Paolla Piglet Flux looking adorably cute (as usual of course)

Evil Laa looking, well... evil.
So, as you can see, a lot of fun japes, slut drops and twerking was had by all. While the outfits may have been in slightly bad taste, the tunes definitely were not and Chris reigned supreme as our favourite "DJ who pops up now and again with a lairy idea".

I'll let you know when the next one is, it's sure to be worth a visit.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Tonight - Lulalulaulaby at AAi

Let my tunes sing you to sleep this Sunday night. I'm not telling what I've got but let's just say there will be some exciting pre-release tracks from some big names, some recent grooves and a couple of super covers. You should turn up, for sure :) It might even be my best yet (sentence reproduced courtesy of Becks) 1-3pm slt at AAi.

Click here to teleport to AAi

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Meri's Hat by Sylvia

crammed with a ram
in bed can be fun
especially when
the ram is someone
i once knew as meri
but with her new hat
she's more than that
tiny hornlets, curly fur
look pretty on her
oh baby take me to the dairy

Sylvia Baxter, the Poet

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Smiles For Miles

Tonight was a huge reminder why I adore AAI.  I arrived about 40 minutes early to do my notices and get the stream going, and to my delight, there were already numerous people waiting for me!  We chatted about music, and at 10 minutes till, I started the pre-show (I play a different band doing a 10 minute live acoustic concert each week).  As the set began, I was already full of happiness.  One by one, friends began showing up despite the fact that there were numerous amazing DJ's spinning at almost every other indie club at that time.  As always, I literally smiled and laughed out loud nearly every moment of the night!  Everybody there seemed on their game, and I couldn't have been happier about the over-all evening.  Moments after the set ended, Iain told me he had recorded the entire set from start to finish!  I'm sooooo excited to relive this set over and over in my car, and around the house!  Much love to ALL my friends that made it a perfect evening.  I love you, AAI....forever and ever.  xo

Another Lovely Tunes-Day .....

Lots of new tunes tonite, as always!  Gorillaz, The Royal Concept, Wildcat! Wildcat!, MS MR, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., Rogue Wave, Victories At Sea, The Cure, Generationals, Black Light Dinner Party, Temples, CocoRosie, Pixies, Daughter, The Dig, and loads more!  See ya @ AAI folks! :p  (Arrive 10 minutes early for an acoustic live concert by Passion Pit).

Bah Bah Gacha - Meri's day out

Today I took a break from club life and visited The Arcade Gacha event. I go every time pretty much and each time it's a bit stressful - I have to be honest. I think the idea is stunning, the set is amazing, the little gacha machines so cute, detailed and lovely and the contributors absolute genius!

I think the lag is crippling, the camming is a killer, pictures on the gachas take forever to rezz and there are occasional idiots. Today I crashed at least ten times and I only ever crash at that event. I never crash at any of the other big monthly events, even though I get laggy.

However, I did manage to get to the gacha of one of my favourite stores - Tee*fy. I.Just.Love.Tee*fy.

I also managed to get the rare sheep hat as well as a few of their nightdresses and a sleep mask. The nightdresses are out of this world and I will definitely be wearing them out, especially the black and red ones. The hat is absurdly cute. Please admire the absolute gorgeousness of this totally unnecessary item below...

I got some other stuff from there too, some cool riding boots, some Ingenue add-on flats for Slink feet, Exile hair (I gave the blondes I got first try to Becks, our own bombshell) and some other bits I've not unpacked yet.

Tonight is Becka's set and I can't wait, not only is she playing the brand new Pixies song out today (I'm waiting to hear it for the first time at AAi) but I know she'll be nice about my hat if anyone picks on me, as they surely will!

Baa :) What did y'all get?