Monday 16 September 2013

A night UNDERCOVER with DJ Chris

Chris aka NathanaelWest is a name you might remember from such sets as "Aww Yeah" (the funky set) a few weeks ago at AAi.

Last Friday he did "Undercover" which was a set of covers which were by people that didn't sound like the people they are, or something. Whatever the criteria for the music, it was fabulous and included such gems as the amazingly talented Ben Folds covering Dr Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit"

Of course, being an undercover set, Chris and the rest of us decided to be suitably incognito and I took some snaps...

The Wolf (Heavenly Villa) and Thom looking completely normal "face off"

Chris is a tree, nothing to see here

Del Ectonite brought nachos, chilli tits and twerking along - god help us

Futuristic time-travelling super spy and not Meri at all

Paolla Piglet Flux looking adorably cute (as usual of course)

Evil Laa looking, well... evil.
So, as you can see, a lot of fun japes, slut drops and twerking was had by all. While the outfits may have been in slightly bad taste, the tunes definitely were not and Chris reigned supreme as our favourite "DJ who pops up now and again with a lairy idea".

I'll let you know when the next one is, it's sure to be worth a visit.

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