Sunday, 14 December 2014


Bono once wrote a letter to Captain Beefheart asking if he would be interested in writing/recording together. The reply was hand written, and it said this 'Dear Bongo, No.'

Thanks Kanj and welcome back :)

Tonight, 1pm slt. 9pm UK time at AAi (click to teleport)

Monday, 10 November 2014

DJs at AAi - Nov 2014

The line up is fabulously strong, fabulously wonderful and musically creative. Either come and see us in world or listen online at 1pm SLT (so, 8pm UTC time and 9pm UK time).

Friday, 19 September 2014

More for Saturday - Roon Arvo

There you go, the updated texture for the AAi noticeboard... showing a new face for later on Saturdays after Salila - Roon Avro! His set is going to be fun, with a capital f. Like, I should have said Fun.

You will be able to recognise him directly by his beardy weirdness, but his music will definitely keep you partying.

In other news! Kanji im'd yesterday and said that she's finally back home after an extended time away and should be able to resume her Tuesday sets next week (16th Sept).

New girls Toni and Shade are both working on building up a following at the club with new slots, so if you're online, go over and make their acquaintance. They're both super DJs, with fabulous music and lovely personalities.

A little bird told me it's Chris's birthday next Tuesday!!! But ssh.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sunday night - Dirty Bass

Come to AAi tonight prepared to get down and dirty. It's dirty bass night and we don't care what you look like as long as you dance until you're looking like Iggy here.

Monday, 28 July 2014

A Midsummer Night's Dream in the Secret Garden Enchanted Forest

So AAi is doing it again... well, not again, as we've never done this particular thing before. But a mini festival - yes.

What is a mini festival you ask? Well, it's a great occasion, spanning about 5 hours, so it's just about doable to most people, with 7 DJs! No time to get bored, it's simply fun, fun, fun.

This time it is on the theme of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by William Shakespeare and we're encouraging everyone to dress to theme.

You can go get some inspiration here

Come, come and be merry (Meri will be someone else no doubt). You can expect indie and alternative music. We've not said it has to be all fairy music or tinkerbell tunes :) I reckon Oberon liked rocking out a bit and Puck just had to be punk!

When you arrive, set it to midnight, there's a good soul. Or the fairies will get you.

AAi's Secret Garden - The Enchanted Forest in Second Life

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Totally trippy times with Topless Talullah

It's Sunday again and time for Meri's indiefest. If you ever considered how it is best to finish you weekend and start your week fresh, you probably decided the answer was an early night, a cup of cocoa and hanging your clothes ready to wear the night before.

You were wrong, it is far better to wring every last drop of joy out of your weekend and collapse into bed at midnight panting and disappointed it's over.

Come join us tonight for indie, loose women, tipsy gentlemen folk and, of course, Talullah, should she find some clothes. (1-3pm slt, AAi, Mericat Ireland)

Monday, 16 June 2014

I made something!

Hi--DJ Nate here.  My mashup project, HOLY MOLY!, has released a new EP.  Called EP.ONE, it's a short collection of fun summertime mashups.  Here's a list of samples I used to create it:

  • Katy Perry: Peacock
  • Made in Heights: Skylark Interbang?!
  • Danny Brown: Lie4
  • Blvck: Hypnosis
  • Yuna: Someone Out of Town (D'n'A Bootleg)
  • CROSSES (†††): Prurient
  • Ke$ha: Blow
  • Purity Ring: Belispeak
  • Kendrick Lamar: Poetic Justice
You can click righhhhhttt abouuuuuut here and download it for free.  Happy summer!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Sunday 24 May - Indie Music at AAi

After a great week listening to some of the DJs I like most in SL, I feel inspired for my set this Sunday. I'm really putting the love in there, as well as some amazing new stuff I've found and some much cherished old stuff too. Isn't the word 'stuff' brilliant? It covers a multitude of sins :) My sins will be mainly indie, promise.

Come see us, 1-3pm slt, 9pm UK time at AAi in Second Life.

Meri x

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

New Tuesday DJ!

It has been a while since we had a regular Tuesday DJ, not since our lovely Becks got a proper grown-up job and had to stop doing her set. Well, we had a good cry, mourned her for a bit and now we're ready to relaunch Tuesdays with a brand spanking new DJ. Kanjena is a DJ who was going to begin playing for us about a year ago but due to one thing and another, it has taken this long to get her on board properly.

We're so pleased to welcome her to the madhouse and hope you'll come along tonight to support her. She starts at 1pm slt and finishees at 3pm slt. I'm thinking you can expect a set packed with indie and alternative tunes, both new and old, but she has been teasing that she might play Milli Vanilli. Freeeeeeeeak!

Come see Kanjena! @ AAi (click for teleport)

And just for fun... let's watch Milli Vanilli on Youtube.

Class! <3

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Under the Covers... with Meri

Tonight, 1-3pm slt at AAi, come cuddle up with us, under the covers. You can expect indie covers, indie remixes, new indie and indie that is memory-filled and satisfyingly familiar. Meri kicks off proceedings at 1pm slt for 2 hours of crazy dancing, snogging in corners and writing on the walls. Sunday.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

News, news and more news...

Well, we were overdue a news update, so here goes... *straightens glasses and coughs in a genteel manner*

Chris (Nathanael West) has decided to move his set from Fridays once a month to Thursdays every week! A whopping big treat I'm sure you'll agree. He'll be playing his own special recipe of electronica/indie/hip-hop and thrilling us occasionally, I'm sure, with some live mixing. Time 1-3pm slt. Pop into the club and pick up a flyer from the poster on the wall.

Becka's work continues to get in the way of her having DJing fun on a Tuesday night so we've given up on that one. Anyone seeing the blank space on the calendar should not go straight into mourning though... we're negotating with Ms Blackrain for a set on another night each week. That will probably come to fruitition in the next month - hurrah!

Poise continues to thrill with her enthralling indie vibe and her sexy voice overs (shivers) each Wednesday. Cus she's so uber super, she does a flyer for it each week.

DJ Poise at AAi <)))
1-3 PM slt
Great Indie Music!
Join Me! \o/

You can join the AAi page on Facebook too! We encourage people to add photos they have taken in the club, talk about music and put in requests to the DJs etc. Pop along and say hi! AAi - An Alternative Indie Club in Second Life

Finally, and potentially leastly, cus we want you to come in world and party with us really... there is a new flash player for the DJs sets on this website, at the top of the page. This means that when a DJ is on (but not when one isn't) you can listen to fabulous indie tunes to make your day go a little faster. So, if you're at work and can't get out, or if you are having trouble getting music working in SL, simply click there and take a load off.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Don't really click it... it's just the poster Chris made for going in the club which you can visit right now and click if you like :)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Super heavyweight film directors slug it out in this 'songs from soundtracks' knockout. Quentin Tarantino vs Guy Richie.
Referee - Meri, *ding ding* Round One. 1-3pm slt. AAi.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

This Friday - Aww Yeah! with DJ Chris

Come and get funky!

The Wizardry Mixtape (Jan. 2014)

Another month, another Wizardry Mixtape.  This month, tracks from The Echo Friendly, Skin Town, Stwo, Hot Sugar, Allie, Ta-Ku, and others.  The mixtape this month is particularly special because it's a collaboration between myself and one of the best DJs in Second Life, Masumi Desade.  Her musical input and selections on this mix give it an extra push into fantastic territory.  Good for long drives, lengthy walks, or if needed, like me, to zone out on a long work day.