Tuesday 20 May 2014

New Tuesday DJ!

It has been a while since we had a regular Tuesday DJ, not since our lovely Becks got a proper grown-up job and had to stop doing her set. Well, we had a good cry, mourned her for a bit and now we're ready to relaunch Tuesdays with a brand spanking new DJ. Kanjena is a DJ who was going to begin playing for us about a year ago but due to one thing and another, it has taken this long to get her on board properly.

We're so pleased to welcome her to the madhouse and hope you'll come along tonight to support her. She starts at 1pm slt and finishees at 3pm slt. I'm thinking you can expect a set packed with indie and alternative tunes, both new and old, but she has been teasing that she might play Milli Vanilli. Freeeeeeeeak!

Come see Kanjena! @ AAi (click for teleport)

And just for fun... let's watch Milli Vanilli on Youtube.

Class! <3

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